Monday, July 18, 2011

Plants are getting big

I was reading the blog and found out that I did not get cucumbers and tomatoes until after July 24. So I patiently wait....
My tomatillos are HUGE. Here is a picture from May 25:

And here they are on July 14:

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


This year I did not have room in my box to plant a zucchini because the beets took longer than usual. My boss heard this and said that he had two zucchini plants and he would gladly give me one. So on June 29 Mr Zucchini joined the community garden in the spare box.

Some of his leaves died out, but I watered him everyday and he has sprouted new leaves and a flower. Here is Mr Zucchini on July 7.

I hope to get a zucchini soon----Mr Bee needs to do his work!

Friday, July 1, 2011

July 1 2011

Welcome July! Where did June go? A week in June was creating the herb garden (that will come at a later blog post). This past week has been warm and sunny days, so the plants have started to grow! Here are two cherry tomatoes I found this morning:

The pepper may be ready any day now:

We finally picked the beets today. A fellow gardener gave me some lettuce. There will be yummy meals this weekend!