Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Today we planted some radishes and spinach. I hope they will be ok....there MIGHT be some snow in the morning!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March happenings

After tilling many boxes March 4, we awoke to almost a foot of snow (!) on March 8. (photo by Clint)

But by March 11, we were back to tilling and planning.

This past week was spring break, so it was all quiet in the community garden. Two of us did an inventory of the shed. I hope to do some planting next week.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Soil Prep

We had a beautiful morning for our first garden party. Snow was predicted, but we were blessed with a sunny blue sky instead.

I decided to turn in the oats I planted last fall and amend the soil with bat guano and bone meal. I plan to let the many earth worms do their thing for a few weeks and then start planting.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Welcome March 2011

March has arrived like a lamb. And some weeds have arrived also.