Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Empty Herb Garden

A few weeks ago I took a picture of the herb garden. Since then we cleaned out a lot of the older herbs and weeds. I have been in contact with someone who will donate some granite. We've been playing with designs. So this is the empty herb garden.

It will be fun to take photos as the herb garden evolves into something more than just dirt.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Harvest Moon

Maybe the harvest moon has helped my tomatoes turn red! Here is what I harvested this morning.

The weather this week is warm during the day and cool nights. Keep the tomatoes coming!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

More surprises!

Just two days later, there are more sprouting plants! The seeds were planted 8 days ago. I hope they get to keep growing so I can have some fresh veggies in a few weeks.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fall Surprise

In mid-August I tried planting some seeds (beets, radishes and lettuce), and only 2-3 radishes appeared. Last Monday (September 13) I decided to try again with radishes, beets and spinach. It looks like the radishes have appeared in less than a week! Wonder about the spinach and's been HOT!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Herb Garden

Beautiful plants and vegetables keep growing in the garden. But in one corner is the herb garden.....and we didn't pay attention to it. I am hoping to weed and amend with my fellow gardeners so that next spring we can plant herbs. Maybe next fall we can make herb oils.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


It is a fun word to say---and it is an interesting tomato. We have some in the garden -- and so does my neighbor. Besides being a fun word, it is also an interesting plant. They are known as the "husk tomato" because the tomato grows in a covering. I can't wait to try some in a tasty dish!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Community Garden

Plants grow and people gather in the community garden. The community and the garden have been very, very good to me. Thank you!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Welcome September!

Wow! September is here....shorter days....beautiful shadows as the sun goes south. Pumpkins are bright orange...zucchini are still arriving in my box; about two a week! I'll be trying more zucchini recipes this weekend.